The work of the SGA is led by a Steering Committee comprised of:
a. Two co-chairs who lead the Steering Committee and ensure the SGA is fulfilling its mandate to its members. The Co-Chairs take on the role of Global Focal Points when representing the SGA at United Nations intergovernmental meetings and when collaborating and coordinating with organizations of the United Nations system.
b. Regional focal points who facilitate information sharing and collective action across all of the geographic areas; Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean,
Middle East (Western Asia). The Regional Focal Points also promote
national NGO participation in the United Nations Regional Commissions
and other regional entities.
c. United Nations Focal Points in each of the UN headquarters locations in New York, Geneva, and Vienna. The UN Focal Points facilitate participation in UN processes, including at intergovernmental meetings, organized in New York, Geneva, and Vienna. They also collaborate with Major Groups and Other Stakeholders.
Organizations sitting on the Steering Committee are elected by SGA members for a three-year term, and the Chairs of the Steering Committee are selected by the Focal Points.
Sub-committees established by the Steering Committee support the work of the SGA. Subcommittees include:
a. Nominations and elections
b. Membership
c. Research and analysis
d. Advocacy, communications, and outreach
e. Resource mobilization and management
Each subcommittee is led by a sub-committee chair selected by members of the sub-committee who together with a Steering Committee member help to ensure effective coordination and communication across the work of the SGA and with the Steering Committee.